Author Topic: I just don't understand........  (Read 2828 times)

Offline bjmac

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I just don't understand........
« on: December 14, 2011, 10:23:48 AM »
why there is so much animosity towards the guys that want to learn. Recently, two threads have been closed because of the comments. are the comments any different that you have heard around a camp? I want to learn - and I can learn most by asking questions. Yes , most are 'stupid' questions - and they are honest questions. I ,for one, cannot afford a 'parts kit' for $700.00 to attempt to learn. I can afford a $75.00 "Hawken" or "plains" rifle to learn on.


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Re: I just don't understand........
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2011, 02:20:43 PM »
Its a shame that someone got their panties in a wad.  There was mention of the "Mission Statement", pat of which is:

 1.  The building or recreation of custom muzzle loading sporting arms that would have been made or used in North America between 1607 and 1898.

That is a broad statement.

Great, a thread was locked because the original poster was looking for guidance to make his "parts" closer to what the MS proposes.  He was getting what I thought was reasonable guidance, and the thread was locked.  Looking around you'll see a thread on using spray paint as finish (must be artistic license?) and shooting squirrels with marbles......what could possibly be correct about shooting squirrels with marbles?

Offline Lucky R A

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Re: I just don't understand........
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2011, 02:48:18 PM »
     I do not think that it is animosity, perhaps more frustration.  In the beginning the board seemed to have a loyal group of advanced builders who shared really good information gained through years and years of experimentation, trial and error.  thankfully some are still here, some are not.  The overall membership seemed to be well past entry level.   Then the flood gates opened and anyone who wanted to assemble any assortment of parts into something that would shoot started asking questions.  These people did no research read no books and assumed that the old experienced builders were here to serve them.  Guys would respond like  "We discussed why you should not electric arc weld two pieces of tubing together to make a barrel a couple of months ago, please make a search."  The questioner than would come back with something like "Why don't you provide a link."   I get the feeling that some what to be spoon fed everything.  I have had new builders to my shop, and they basically wanted me to build their gun for them while they watched, drank my coffee and ate my wife's cookies etc.  I think it is just another symptom of the welfare state that our country has slipped into (but that may be political)
      Buy some gun building books, try to solve your own problems, do the research, check to see if the topic has already been discussed ( yes, vinegar stain and a million moose milk recipes are there).  If you have a problem (we all do beginner to advanced) throw it out there and say what you have already tried, don't ask something like what size drill bit do I use to get a 1/4" hole.(it was asked).   I have gotten to the point that I answer some questions w/ a personal message to the person to avoid getting a dozen other questions, perhaps I deal better one on one.
      Value the resource you have here before you lose it.  I started my bun building with a $9.95 15/16 32" 45cal. barrel from P & S sales and a salvaged shotgun lock and a couple of rough castings from Dixie  along with McCorys little book.  I had to learn everything in the school of hard knocks and what I could glean from books when I could afford them.   No one on this board owes you anything.  they give of their knowledge freely.  Remember the time these guys spend answering your questions is time they are not spending in their shop, they would like to see the sport flourish and see you succeed.  If they are good they probably have a backlog of 1-3 years, so they are not trying to sell their product they are GIVING their knowledge to you freely, don't abuse it.  

Now I will have a second cup of coffee and get to work.
"The highest reward that God gives us for good work is the ability to do better work."  - Elbert Hubbard


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Re: I just don't understand........
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2011, 02:51:26 PM »
The only dumb question is the one not asked. If you want a good rifle that you built, build a poor boy. It can be built from a straight sided 3 1/2' barrel a flint lock English style, a pre-carve stock, a triggerguard and a few screws and 2 bolts, and a rammer.
 Charlie B., a member of this group, makes a 4 foot barrel up to 1.125 inches wide, in any cal for 150 plus shipping. Ln R sells locks for 130 a piece. Dennis Glazener sells a pretty inlet southern stock for 205 that can take that long barrel and ramrods too.
 Sights can be made or bought, so can triggers, trigger plates and barrel pins etc. Get one good book on how to do it and buy an old copy of Foxfire 5 on amazon.
 Build some kind of bench, put a vice on it. Hands down the best bang for the buck is an old blacksmiths leg vice found at a second hand store. Have some access to a drill press and buy the minimum tools but buy good ones and keep them sharp.
 Don't set a finish date and have some fun.
                    PS if you need a forges trigger guard I have a couple that I was playing around with made out of wrought iron.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2011, 02:54:49 PM by dannybb55 »

Offline tallbear

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Re: I just don't understand........
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2011, 04:39:37 PM »
As the person who locked the thread last night let me answer.I locked it not because of the subject matter but because it was headed for the same personal attacks that closed it down last time.We do our best here as moderators to keep these kind of personal back and forths out of here.We try our best to promote helping new builders any way we can and anyone who says differently is just plain WRONG!!!!!!!
The fact of the matter is that the thread in question probably does fall outside of our mission statement but it was allowed to continue to help out Hanshi.There is no way you can make an "American Longrifle" out of CVA parts.This is not being elitist, but just a fact.When this was pointed out feelings were hurt and the thread turned personal.That is when I locked it.I left it stand instaed of deleting it so Hanshi could get ideas .

It's as simple as that!!!
