I cut out the pics. of the Schreit gun in RCA1, took them to work and with a engineers help we blew up full size drawings. Went and got some posterboard and plotted/cut out etc. As I was reading Chuck Dixons book as well as Shumways. recreating American longrifle. I was learning things such as drop at comb, drop at heel, cast off, etc. I picked up my Chambers, Mark Silver stock, just recieved couple weeks ago. I laid it on the drawings and it is real close? SO, all the SCHREIT buiders out there HOW do you know what to make the comb/heel/cast? do you just measure off drawings. IF any one is saying to themselves, this guy has his first kit, what is he going on about the Schreit for?? I got bit hard when I saw the Schreit in RCA1 as well as modern examples. SO by learning about it, it will help as I understand putting my Chambers. Silver Virginia gun together. PS. there where four deer in my hay field at dusk, I was sighting with my rough stock, 62cal. let the fun begin. Best to you and yours. Ravenwolf;