thanks for the quick replies guys. Sorry I wasn't too clear on a couple of things, but the pan and frizzen do mate up fine, and there is no gap between frizzen (pan cover?) and barrel. It's just the face of the frizzen is about 1/8" from the inside of the pan cover(?), and the cock jaws are about 1/8" to the outside of the frizzen face. I did get another cock that was better than the one that came with this lock, but still about 1/8" outside of the face of the frizzen (I think I got all the right words in the right place.)
I did get the cock seated deeper on the tumbler and can still go a little deeper. That helped, but c/l's are still out. Yes, I am worried about getting that much of a 'kink' in the top 1/3 of the cock without affecting some other portion of the cock alignment.
And yes, this lock has other problems. Lots of 'em. What's the saying, experience is what you get when you don't get what you wanted? The only 'experience' I should have got with this lock is a trip to the UPS office. No, it's NOT a Chambers. I really should build ML's that use Chambers' locks!
I did a dumb thing thinking I could fix this lock!! I can, just guess I will get more practice with my little MIG, and see if my drill press is more 'square' than the one used to build this lock. Also, anybody have a good source for precision reaming tools?