Thanks to all that responded to this.... I feel this is important and my suggestions to all good folks our there that involve themselves in helping to run line shoots follow:
Make the shooters responsible for putting their shooter number on the paper targets.....(less work for mother that way. And speeds up the line of shooters buying targets . Remind the shooters during the shoot to make sure their shooter number is on their targets...
Have the shooters score their own targets and offer help at the shanty if help is needed..Suggest the careful use of the overlay laid over another identical target. Use NMLRA scoring rules (center of the ball on or touching the line). Scores will be checked.
At one day shoots and all scoring done and all targets are in. Use a protest period where the winner and placer's scores are highlighted on a master sheet or board and make sure that every shooter (still present) know that the protest period is happening. Including the folks in the parking lot........
At 2 or more day shoots have a wailing wall updated at least once or more each day, so If a shooter sees a problem with his or her score they can then go to the shanty (scoring ) and respectfully ask that they pull the problem target/targets and check them out.
It was mentioned that each shooter should be required to sign his target b/4 the range officer turns it or them in. This still leaves a ton of possible screw ups possible. And holds up the next relay.
A word or two on past experiences. Several years ago a club was doing their scoring in a shanty with no windows and lit via a gas light....(since changed)
I happened to be aware that my 6 bull was in question regards the score (the wailing wall again) I was shy an X that I was 'sure' made it....The scorers ended up plopping my target on a auto hood in the sunlight over another target and lo and behold my X was there. I ended up with a first in the agg and a Getz Barrel of my choice... (We would kill for a Getz)
At another 2 day shoot in Penna (yrs ago) a 6 bull target was used as part of the agg and they decided to score ALL 6 bulls. The scorers failed to count a nine of mine and a Getz barrel was awarded to another shooter. Notice no protest period was used.... All vehicles were headed for the exits and after the prizes were handed out everyone headed out in a cloud of dust. I hit them up about my score. Yes keep track of your scores boys and girls!! They discovered their mistake then.
After many weeks passed the guy that got the barrel finally shipped to to me. (I expected it to show up in a cigar box. Sooo here again we see how valuable a protest period and wailing wall can be.
I would love to hear that all clubs running line shoots would consider these suggestions..... The greater the number of shooters the greater the chances of errors of all sorts....
Thats my story and I'm sticking to it.
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