gatunki drewna jakie używam w pracy to orzech włoski, gruszka, klon - jawor, cis, śliwka, czereśnia , wiąz itp.
Walnut, Pear, Maple, Sycamore, Yew, Plum, Cherry.
Our Sycamore/ Klon-jawor is a brittle wood with many flaws in the tree, Plum/ Sliwka and Pear/ Gruszka sound like a lovely wood to work. Our Cis/ Yew or Hemlock grows as a large shrub in some parts of the mountains in my state but most of it is in Canada. Here it is very toxic and does not produce straight lumber, if a sawyer would even run it through his sawmill. Maple, Walnut and Cherry are preferred here. I wonder where I can find Pear here, for my Matchlock?
Thank you,