I have a contraption I inherited from a deceased friend. It is a frame with a piece of round tubing set at a 45 degree angle. The tube has a threaded end on it. that different size nozzles can be screwed into. A Burnzo-matic torch is clamped in such a way to direct heat on the nozzle. A rod of lead cast in a piece of small angle iron turned to form a "V" with a couple of pieces of the same angle iron welded on as end caps, serves as the mold for the lead rods. Simply fire it up, put a coffee can of water under the nozzle and go take a nap. The lead will slowly melt and drop out one drop at a time from the very small hole in the nozzle. It will stop making shot when it runs out of lead or propane. This thing was commercially produced by someone, but the labels are all long gone.
Hungry Horse