I used to go elk hunting in CO every year. While meandering in the wilderness, I noticed numerous pitch pines with huge globs of dried pitch on them. I started taking a small hatchet with me during the afternoons, when the hunting was slow. Once I got a bagful, I would fill a bean can with it and set it by the campfire. It would melt down and some of the volatiles would boil off. This is necessary so that it hardens properly, instead of staying gummy.
When I got home and needed some for a project, I would remelt a chunk and add powdered charcoal to it. This is an old recipe for resin glue. It could be used to back inlays, fill bark inclusions and wormholes, and to bed tangs and such. Mixed with sawdust, it could be used to bed barrels, which under international rules, must be done with natural materials......no epoxy. It could also be used to glue parts together.