CoryJoe, do not give up on the saw yet. Lay out your profile on the top AND bottom of the stock so you can check that you are staying on line. Even if you leave an extra 1/8 or 3/16 of an inch, draw the line that you want to stay in with the saw. Then go slow and keep checking on both the top and bottom to be sure you are straight. The picture looks like the barrel is swamped. If it is you can use a 1/4 or 5/16 drill as a spacer to slide along the barrel and mark your lines along the barrel on the top side. You will have to measure out to the edge of the stock and transfer those measurements to the bottom. Draw a complete line on the bottom, not just marks. If you have a line to keep the saw in things will go easier. An eighth or quarter inch is a lot easier to plane off than 3/4 or an inch.