Acer, I've actuall done that. On my own rifle I forgot to trace out the open spot in the sideplate and removed the wood before I caught on. So I just filled it in with sterling silver. Looked good so I've done it many times on purpose.
Taylor, the rear pipe has 2 lips with a pin thru each. The barrel tennon goes between them with the wedge thru that. All covered by the inlay. It was done this way on the Morton rifle I used mostly to copy but it's not necessarily a Morton characteristic.
The customer I made this for is being patient, so I'll have the rifle at the Lewisburg show. Hope to see many of you there. It's good to get out in Feb.
A few others have done Morton guns. The original was at the CLA show with a loose copy of it by Judson Brennan. And there was a very fine one by Mike Gahagan on the Contemporary makers bloG.
Merry Xmas to all.