Dave and Jim,
I've been reading both your comments and thinking hard about this pistol. I too feel that Something isn't quite right, mostly in the stock decoration. The silver mounts are beautifully chiseled and detailed, I particularly like the face on the triggerguard. With mounts like these, I would expect to see a more refined overall piece, both with carving and general stock shaping. To my eye, taking in consideration the brazed (lengthened?) tang, filled bolt hole in the tang, and the overall carving and shape of the stock, I wonder if this may be a restock of an earlier set of parts. I don't think it's recently done; whether original or restocked, the wood has seen a fair amount of use. The other thought is perhaps the carving was a later addition to an otherwise simple stock that had moldings, but little else for decoration. Thanks for sharing Dave, I love these French pistols.