Firelock, Keb makes a good point about this as a teaching aide, I know you're just documenting what you do, but people use You Tube as a teaching aide today. For whatever thats worth.
That being said, trying the front bolt would have been worth the effort as was suggested. Even better if the sideplate was canted awkwardly maybe showing how to make one that actually looks good and allows a proper front bolt would be worth the effort.
I have always thought that the web, front bolt, RR hole, sideplate looking good, is as challenging a part of building as there is.
I saw a breif glimpse of your butt plate, I have one of those in my parts drawer that I picked up at a show. It's pretty huge 1 7/8 by 5. Do you plans to slim that down some ? Pretty large for a classic bucks county rifle.
I don't have issue with the glass bedding .