Shoot #3 is in the book's,right where it belong's! I sucked,but to be honest,IT WASN'T MY FAULT! REALLY,IT WASN'T!
The guy's in our group and I go back a long long way's,and to say we had fun is a HUGE understatement! So much so that I didn't load for one of the shot's! Not a "dry ball". No powder,no nothing! When the Bess didn't go off,flash in the pan,I picked the touch hole and felt NOTHING! No matter how slick you are,YOU CANT HIDE THE FACT,YOU DIDN'T LOAD!(FWI,That makes 34 shot's in a row the gun went off,flawlessly,since Yancey re-built the lock,compared to 8-10 hammer fall's to get 1 shot before!)
And somtimes that's better than winning! Come to think of it, I was a winner!
My Buddy Rick had a stuck ram rod in the thimbles. Once we got it out,he carried it in his sash. Well,on station 12,he managed to send his rod down range! Quite a feat! So. I managed to make him a new one. Worked for loading shot anyway,not sure about roundball though!