« on: April 29, 2013, 09:52:33 PM »
What I currently have are all softcover 8.5 by 11"
Gunsmiths & Allied Tradesmen of Tennessee
Gunsmiths & Allied Tradesmen of Missouri
Gunsmiths & Allied Tradesmen of Virginia
Gunsmiths & Allied Tradesmen of Georgia [w/ Wayne Elliott]
These are $20 each ppd for ALR members and can be ordered from me
James B Whisker/ 338 E Main St/ Everett, PA 15537
The Gunsmiths & Allied Tradesmen of Massachusetts is available through Amazon and also up on eBay in the $125 range. As a commercially published book of 360 =+/- pages I had nothing to do with pricing.
The Gunsmiths of Alabama is out but copies will be handled by the co-author, Tom Kilgo. He will have to advise how to obtain copies. It will be available on line in color and in black & white as a hard copy.
thanks again, Jim Whisker
« Last Edit: April 30, 2013, 08:17:41 PM by Dennis Glazener »

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