I should like to explain. I am too old and decrepit to carry about cases of books nor do I have a place to store them nor can I afford to lay out he costs of really nice books. Academica Press offers ISBN identification so any vendor can order. I had absolutely no idea that he book would come in at $125! The book was offered for almost a month before I received my 2 authors' copies [my co-author still has not] so I had no way of knowing what one received for that $125. Anyone who wants the MA text can email me and I will send a HUGE file via email. jwhisker@embarqmail.
We ae going to press with a band new outfit, Two Scholars Press, for our CT Gunsmiths. If that works out satisfactorily we will do RI and NH with them also. They promise reasonably priced nicely perfect bound soft cover books. We'll see.
We are looking to add non-military guns from RI and NH so if you have a signed gun and can supply photos please advise at above email address.
Over the last 5 decades I have photographed over 4000 long rifles from which reservoir I have done articles in various antique arms magazines and published my books. No one did color back then. I have never received subsidy of any sort but have self-financed both photography and research.