Author Topic: Uberti Hawken modifications or upgrades/changes?  (Read 2049 times)


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Uberti Hawken modifications or upgrades/changes?
« on: October 01, 2013, 11:28:03 PM »
Hello all

I am not sure if this fits best here or under the "Contemporary Longrifle Collecting" section, so admins, please move it if need be...

I have done it...a quick shot so to say. I have found a used but very good looking Uberti Hawken at a German gun dealer's web page and pressed the BIN button on it...I am now waiting for delivery.
The Uberti Hawken (Santa the US) is not new to me, I had one as my second BP rifle in the late 80ties but sold it on to fund a musket I needed for re-enacting back then. Money was in short supply when I was in my early 20ties ;-)...
Back then I took the Hawken apart, reshaped the area around the look and trimmed the fore stock a bit slimmer. I re-stained the wood rather dark, browned all steel parts with Laurel Mountain Forge "Barrel Brown & Degreaser " which worked really well and decorated the stock with some brass tacks...Without access to a thing like the www I thought  it turned out rather well. I sold it on to fund my first 1853 Enfield...

Now, 25 years later, I bought another one. It also dates into the 80ties and is one of those .53cal ones. The main reason I bought it is to increase my skills with metal and wood in order to be able, mid term, to build a complete rifle at least from a kit like TOW offers them.
What I have seen and read about Hawkens here and in other forums the Uberti one is not bad but far from perfect. So here are a couple of things I plan...and I would like to ask you for feedback so I do not produce rubbish. I am not please be honest! :-)
1. Refine the wood around the lock and on the opposite side to come a lot closer to the lock.
2. Make the front part of the stock a little slimmer
3. Change the angle or install and alternative butt plate so that the heel hits the ground first and not the tow. (? Red that somewhere about original Hawkens)
4. Remove all Italian markings and numbers from the barrel with the exception of the proof marks (German law)
5. Re-brown the barrel
6. Lock should be case hardened but the previous owner has it black! So shall I make it brown?
7. Nose's now "german silver", should it be iron or even pewter?
8. Trigger it enough to trim the scroll back or shall I install a replacement?
9. Trigger...I saw that most originals have a straight front one, I guess this can be replicated on the Uberti without too much head ache?
10.when finishing the lock in brown, shall I brown all iron parts?

Please add what ever else could/should be done or what should be left off. I am absolutely open to constructive criticism.

thanks a lot