Author Topic: What I have been working on recently. Updated Squirrel Rifle pics and others  (Read 7983 times)

Offline M Tornichio

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I no longer have internet access from my house, so I have been very limited to viewing the site recently. I can only get on during lunch time at work. I thought I would take a couple of minutes to update everyone on my squirrel rifle that I was building. I had many in progress pictures along the way. It has been done for quite a while now. I planned on modifying the triggers after squirrel season. At the time my wife was pregnant with our first child. I figured I would hunt the rest of the season before he was born. Turns out he came 8 weeks early and I now have  a son that is going to be in the NICU in the hospital for potentially the next two months. Hopefully he will be home in a month though. I did get a couple of hunts in with the rifle and I snapped these pictures after a hunt were I bagged my first squirrel.
The specs on the rifle.
36 cal 42" rifle barrel. 7/8" across the flats staight barrel.
Plain Sugar Maple stock.
I hand forged the mounts. did a semi tutorial on the trigger guard earlier.
The lock bolts have a brass washer backing them up.
The trigger is single set and purchase. The reason I am going to modify them.
The lock is a chambers late ketland. with a chambers vent liner.
I hope to take better pictures after the triggers are modified. Might be a while before that happens now though.

I also wanted to share a couple of other pictures that are not directly related to gun building.
I think that sometime it is nice to see that miracle do happen.
These are a couple of pictures of my son.
His name is Simon Alexander Tornichio
he was born on 1-12-09. about 8 weeks early.
His weight was 2lbs 8 ounces.
It truely is a miracle to have him with us today. There ended up being a number of different complications with the pregnancy. Fortunately Sarah my wife is in good health and Simon is doing as well as possible all things considered. He has a lot of wires hooked up to him to monitor him, along with a feeding tube. Fortunately he no longer has an IV. He went through approximately 14 different locations all together.
To give you guys an idea of his size, he is holding my wedding ring. My index finger is larger than his arms right now.

I just wanted to share with everyone.
I hope you enjoy the pictures.

« Last Edit: January 20, 2009, 08:43:50 PM by M Tornichio »

lew wetzel

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beautiful gun mark,glad to hear your son is pulling through...our prayers go out to you and your family.i work saturdays and havent made it to the log cabin for a class in a while.hope i can soon and hope to see you there.

Offline Rolf

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Congratulations with your son! It's good to hear your wife is in good health. Hope everything goes well with Simon.

Your rifle looks great. I like the iron furniture and the pewter muzzle cap.

Best regards


Offline Tim Crosby

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 Rifle looks good Marc. Congratulations to you and your wife on your sons birth, I pray he will continue to get stronger and be home soon.

Tim C.

Offline Nate McKenzie

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Our prayers will be with your family.

Offline rich pierce

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Great looking work on that rifle.  Love the guard especially and the architecture is sweet.  Man they've got some big squirrels there.  Giving thanks for your baby's health!
Andover, Vermont


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Looks like building a small scale flinter is in your future. Congratulations on that fine boy!

Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate.   Psalm 127:3-5


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Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur Geburt deines Sohnes und dir und deiner Famillie alles Gute.

Congratulation for the birth of your son and my best whishes for you and your family .

And yes your rifle looks great.

 Der HERR ist mein Hirte,

mir wird nichts mangeln.
 Er weidet mich auf einer grünen Aue
und führet mich zum frischen Wasser.
 Er erquicket meine Seele.
Er führet mich auf rechter Straße um seines Namens willen.
 Und ob ich schon wanderte im finstern Tal,
fürchte ich kein Unglück;
denn du bist bei mir,
dein Stecken und Stab trösten mich.
 Du bereitest vor mir einen Tisch
im Angesicht meiner Feinde.
Du salbest mein Haupt mit Öl
und schenkest mir voll ein.
Gutes und Barmherzigkeit werden mir folgen mein Leben lang,
und ich werde bleiben im Hause des HERRN immerdar.

Psalm 23

Offline BillPac

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Congratulations on the birth of your son.  I will be praying for his continuing growth and strength.  It is good to hear that Sarah is doing well.  You and your family are on the prayer list now.
PS: Nice rifle, see you at the Log Cabin I hope.


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Congrats on your son and everyone coming through the pregnancy healthy.  We had a tough pregnancy a while back which fortunately went to term.  My daughter is almost 2 years old now and the tough times are worth it.  I wish you the best of luck and send positive juju in terms of your child's health and your insurance situation.

Nice rifle, too.


Joe G

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Our prayers will be with your family.Nice Rifle too..


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My first Gradson was about 4 oz. smaller and about 2 weeks earlier,I have a similar picture of him w/my sons wedding ring up on his arm.
Today that boy is in the third grade an "A " student and weights about 106,so hang in there.

Offline Dave B

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Condradulations on you and your wifes beautiful son. They are nothing short of a miracle at that young of an age. You are all in our prayers. Ps I like your rifle it looks to bring home the meat just fine. It wont be all that long and he will be asking for you to take him out shooting it. It looks like he's got a pretty good grip.
Dave Blaisdell

Offline AMartin

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Hey there Mark ......

My thoughts are with you & your lovely wife ....... I always look forward to seeing you at the show ..... Best of luck with your new little fella and hope to meet him as well in the near future !!
Oh nice rifle too !!


C. Cash

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That is a fine looking boy(rifle's nice too)!  Congrats and prayers offered for your sons continued health!

Offline M Tornichio

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I wanted to say thanks for all the prayers. It has been a surreal week and half, but very inspirational. I feel very blessed. I am so thankful both him and his mom are ok. I look forward to bringing him along to the shows in the future to meet many of you.

Rich pierce
the squirrel is a fox squirrel. Do you guys have those in missouri? They usually run a little larger than the grey squirrels that we have around here. I had not seen many around where I hunt in the past 3 years. Then for some reason I saw 18 squirrels in one day and another 18 a couple of days later and 2/3's were fox squirrels. Must be a good year for them.