Way back in 1980's,I gave my late father in law a maple f/s blank with barl channel and rr grove inlet,and other parts to build a lr from,along with Shumways book on Recreating the Am L/R.With no more training or tools,he produced a similar looking gun,fully functional,over a long Weston,Wva winter.Twernt purdy,but it shot,and was a mountain Rifle.When he passed in 85,we got the gun and had Bob Walden restock it in black walnut,and now it belongs to my daughter.After making 8 long rifles since 2010,I wish I could find that old stock,I am confident I could salvage it into a better shape,but,funny as this sounds,as I was writing this,I think I would rebarl and make it back to what Murph made.I have always had a sentimental spot.Thanks for allowing the ramble.Cold,snowy night here.Dave