That is a very nice rifle sir, one to be very proud of. You deffinately have a lot of skill and I can tell you put a lot of thought into the design of this piece. Since you asked for comments I will post a few.
I agree with the others that the relief is to tall. It is very difficult to get a feel for relief carving by looking at pictures. Pictures seem to make the carving look taller than it actually is. I have a Lauck butt stock and the relief carving is remarkably shallow, but very well done. Until I had an opportunity to study some well carved originals my carving stood really proud. Most of the well done relief only stands about a 32nd of an inch above the background. Some of it you can barely feel. One of the first Original Lancaster rifles I got a chance to look at is owned by Louie Parker. After looking at that rifle for a few minutes I knew that my carving was way to heavy.
You have very nice carving design and it appears the talant, you just need some exposure to some good eary rifles.
One more suggestion, you have built a nice golden age rifle please put a nice golden age front sight on it. That tall late period front sight sticks out like a sore thumb. Most originals have very low sights, how we ever wound up with all these tall late period sights is beyond me.
I lied one more thing, do a heat blue on your bolts, screws and trigger.
I really do like your rifle sir and let me tell you thanks for showing it. I have a feeling we will be seeing more fine rifles from you.