Author Topic: Long Distance off hand shooting  (Read 7026 times)

Offline Captchee

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Long Distance off hand shooting
« on: June 02, 2014, 07:13:19 PM »
Now about that shooting.  350 yards!  1050 feet!  Over 3 football fields!  Amazing is an understatement.  I cannot even see 350 yards.

Just must take some time to "aim" right?  Is this target shooting or hunting?  What cal rifle?  What load do you use for 350 yards.  "Loaded for Bear", I bet!  If target shooting what is the size of the target?  I read about the Springfield trapdoors being demonstrated to a group once back shortly after it was put into service.  Something like 2 + thousand yards.  But they were shooting at a target of maybe 6 to 8 feet in diameter.  Seems like firing a mortar more than shooting a rifle.  How much time passes from the time you raise the gun until the shot is fired?

 . NO! not hunting , target shooting .
  our targets are steel . They can range from around 3 ft circles  to long body size  cylinders  .
 Sometimes however they are rather small  and nothing more then 10 or 12 inch square plates .
 All shots must be made off hand  standing . Load and  caliber of rifle is up to the shooter  but projectile is RB only  with open and sometimes peep sights .
 Your not scored by group  or string but only by a hit .
 Believe it or not you don’t need heavy loads to get that far .
 Myself I use a 54 cal  flintlock  backed with 80 grains of 3f . that’s good out to around 200-250 . Past that I bump to 110 .

Jerry Huddleston  , another member of this board , a couple years back won one of the events with a TC if I recall . I want to say it was a 54  as well but  ill let Jerry go into detail about that if he wishes  to join in . I want to say  that year the  winning range at that event was around 250 give or  take .
 There is another person I shoot with who also uses a flintlock  rifle in 62 cal and heavy load in the 125-150 grain range .  He does quite well especially at the longer distances  where its alittle windy or a lot of heat .
 We also have a lot of folks that shoot 45 and 50 cal .  But the 45 gets alittle harder to hear at longer distances

 Each event is alittle different in their starting range  , target and  target placement . In some cases we are shooting up hill , others on a flat range . Still others you may find yourself shooting  down a canyon or draw , then out across a meadow ,just depends

 Most give you multiple shots at a given distance . IE you get 3 shots to hit the target . So if you don’t his in 3 shots your out .
 Those that do hit , then move back to the next distance  which is normally around 25 -35  yards back .
 You then shoot another 3 shots . Those who make  a hit , then move back again . That keeps going tell  such time as  there is only one person   who hits at the  farthest range .
 So if   say 2 shooters are left at 250 yards   then sometimes , depending on the shoot rules ,  they will  continue shooting tell someone hits  , call a draw Or as with a couple  events I go to , they will  stand at the 3 shot rule , then count the number of shots taken by each shooter so as to get to that 250 yard  range. The one with the least  amount of shots taken wins .

As to how  long of a hold before shooting . Frankly not long . Your standing and shooting off hand ,  so no more then a few seconds  or your sights  begin to wonder  from your hold becoming un steady .
 Plus if you take to long the other shooters start to get annoyed .

As to time  it takes for round to be on target .  Literally at the longer ranges  you can fire .  Take the rifle off your shoulder   before you  hear the report  from the target . So at say 150 , you get a boom ,, ding .  But at 350 it’s a Boom ,  wait for it , wait for it , ok sometime today???? , DING .  Type of affair

Lets see  , what did I miss ?
 OHHH not seeing the target . Yep   the farther you move back , the harder the target gets  to see .  Sometimes even at the closer ranges you cant see the target  as the sights completely cover it .
 In those case it takes a little more preparation to make the shot  as you have to  pick  something you can see  to replace the  target your trying to hit . IE using  windage and elevation  as well as steadiness of hold and follow through  so as to drop the ball onto the target ..

 My personal off hand best   has been 5 shoots  to 335 yards “laser range “ on a  3fts round target . That was 1 shot at each station and I took first and was having a very good day .
 My average at that even is right at 200  where I can hit the target near every time . Past that I start to struggle .
 My most accurate shot   I took at 175 yards off hand on a 10x10 target .
 First  shot , one hit . 
  That went like this
Saturday morning prior to the shoot another friend  showed up from Richland.
Kim and I have this friendly rivalry going on . Especially when it comes to long range off hand shooting . He shoots a 42  barreled , cap lock rifle  in 50 cal . I shoot a 42 inch barreled flintlock , long rifle in  54 cal .
 We walked down to the range and I showed him Dons long gong  target . Which at most of the events we shoot at is at least 3 ft X3ft .
 Kim starts laughing when Don says . Yep  its on 10 inches  and the first shot is at 175 yards .
Seriously , you can hardly see the target  at that range LOL

.  Kim and I were the only ones to actually score  readable hits . Though for the most part, if  this had been  the normal target size  of 3 ft I think everyone would have hit it  . The shots all looked  to be that close .
 Here are some photos

Kim and his hit , which is up on the chain right on the price tag . which he states should be worth more points them my score  becouse  the tag he hit is much smaller then  the target  LOL


 if you look close you can see the lead mark on the tag . there also is a piece of lead stuck in the chain link . most however went right through the center of the link .
 the mark on the target is my  hit .

 here is how it  looks from the shotting line to target and from target back to the line



Offline bob in the woods

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Re: Long Distance off hand shooting
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2014, 07:52:57 PM »
That is awesome !  My range here behind the house goes to 300 yds.  My target rifle is a .54 which I find to be a great cal. for this.  100 yds and out, my rifle likes 80 gr FFg   My sights are set up for 100 and 200 yd [  base of front sight in the notch] so a 200 yd shot is not a hardship if the wind is correctly accounted for. 250 and 300 yd shooting is a lot of fun. , two , three ..ding !   What"s not to like ?  ;D    Many of the local ranges here today are limited to 100 yds, , with the odd one going to 200 yds.   Long range or even "mid range" shooting isa getting harder and harder to access.


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Re: Long Distance off hand shooting
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2014, 08:39:30 PM »
Some great shootin', I'd say.  Looks like you have plenty of room too.  Thanks for the reply and the photos.  I am a member of a club but we only 50, 100 and 200 yards.  I'll have to try to extend my self in the near future.

Thanks for the info and the photos too.  One thing I have noted is that the long rifle actually helps me in that with my eyes being what they are I need at least 32 or 34 inches of barrel to get a clear picture of both the target AND the front sights.

Offline Daryl

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Re: Long Distance off hand shooting
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2014, 12:12:27 AM »
Good shooting!
We've managed a similar stunt here, but with a much larger target (2 1/2 feet in diameter) and my rifle with a 300 meter leaf sight filed in.  165gr. 2F and a .684", 480gr. round ball with 12 ounce denim patch. Now it seems like cheating, compared to that little thing you were shooting at.

« Last Edit: June 06, 2014, 12:15:01 AM by Daryl »

"a gun without hammers is like a spaniel without ears" King George V


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Re: Long Distance off hand shooting
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2014, 05:54:48 AM »
   Looks like one hit to me. Almost centerpunched it! 10X10@175?  Good shooting. I'll have to dig out my stubby 42" .54 flint and give it a try... Looks like a heap of fun!
BTW, the "chain" shot is pretty impressive. Nice line!


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Re: Long Distance off hand shooting
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2014, 05:00:51 AM »
  Ya know, 25 years ago I may have given ya a run out to 40 rods... No way today.. You guys are just plain mean... Your still hanging tough.. Great work..

Offline Hungry Horse

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Re: Long Distance off hand shooting
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2014, 01:42:34 AM »
 Years ago, out here on the left coast, several rendezvous had really long range shots. The Lauderback Fiddlebackers, had a shoot at Red Bluff that had a long gong  shoot that regularly went out the the end of the usable space, which was 300 yards. The target was an eighteen inch steel disc. The grandaddy of them all was an invitational shoot at Lakeview Oregon. They had a cylinder that looked like the little propane cylinder your camp lantern screws onto. But when you hiked around the beaver pond, and actually got a look at it, it was an old propane tank about five feet tall. That was way before anybody but the army had rangefinders, but I'd bet that thing was every inch of 350 yards, or more. That shoot was a re-entry at a buck a shot. With the winner splitting the pot with the club. The last time I shot this event there was 28 shooters, and the winner won on the fourth time around for everyone.
 I was told that another invitational at Via Nevada had a long gong that was a 55 Gallon drum with one end cut out, that was almost 500 yards out on the rim of a canyon.

               Hungry Horse

Offline Pete G.

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Re: Long Distance off hand shooting
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2014, 06:01:52 PM »
Don't ya'll know how to grow trees out there?????

Offline Hungry Horse

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Re: Long Distance off hand shooting
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2014, 11:47:09 PM »
 Trees is why long range in North Carolina is like nine feet. And then you gotta cut a hole in the Kudzu.

                  Hungry Horse

Offline Daryl

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Re: Long Distance off hand shooting
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2014, 02:01:17 AM »
Years ago, we had a 300meter gong at our club shoot.  The odd .54 might hit it and one of our guys used to plink it with his .45 Flinter, but the old "B--ch", my .69 never missed - no matter who used it. 
It's 3rd leaf sight was filed just for that competition.  With that rifle's accuracy, it was not a fair competition. I kid you not - everyone shot shot that rifle at that gong, hit it. It was a big one, though- not really fair - about 2feet in diameter.  Just hold dead centre BOOM! - recover from recoil and -- BONG!

"a gun without hammers is like a spaniel without ears" King George V

Offline Hungry Horse

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Re: Long Distance off hand shooting
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2014, 04:26:20 AM »

  I'll believe your never miss .69 cal. if you'll believe my loose load slow twist .50 cal.

                  Hungry Horse


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Re: Long Distance off hand shooting
« Reply #11 on: June 10, 2014, 07:14:40 AM »
  I just want to shoot a moose....and have Tom Curran gut it!  :P  :o ;D

Offline Captchee

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Re: Long Distance off hand shooting
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2014, 01:24:08 PM »
Don't ya'll know how to grow trees out there?????

LOL , lots of tree Pete .  Dons place however is just below the tree line so  it down in the juniper and sage area .
 In this case we had a rather small target . Normally were shooting at a 2-3 ft target .

 How I got into doing this type of off hand shooting was that I once belong to a group  that was made up  basically a group of cowboys who  just got together every Saturday  to burn up powder . Since they didn’t have targets  we would pick a clump of grass or a small bush    in a sandy spot , up on the side of the hill across from the  shoot area  . That clump would be our target for the day. Since the area was basically a   open basin  with no cover . We had a range out to around 500.
 Sure burnt a lot of powder  shooting at weeds LOL

  But anyway , some days you got it , some you don’t . this last weekend Jerry Huddleston flat cleaned my clock up at the shoot .  Simply put I couldn’t hit a target a 35 yards .
 Go figure ???

Offline Candle Snuffer

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Re: Long Distance off hand shooting
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2014, 03:44:50 AM »
I've been out to 200 yards many times on a 16" round gong.  It was fun.  We use to have a 55 gallon metal drum set out at 300 yards on our range and sometimes before a shoot we would shoot a fouling shot at that.  It got hit pretty often, though I think sometimes the ball's just bounced up to it.  No matter, a hits a hit. :)
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