Hi TW,
Welcome to ALR, make yourself at home and we hope you will enjoy your time here.
Since I don't know your background, woodworking or metalworking skills, etc. I think I should mention the "kits" from Chambers, Dangler, Pecatonica, Track of the Wolf, etc., while they are good quality component sets, they are not just sand, stain, and assemble "kits". Even with a pre-carved stock, they will require final fitting of all the components into the wood, cutting of dovetails in the barrel (unless you pay extra to have this done), and a myriad of other tasks to complete.
If you have some woodworking and metalworking skills and some basic tools, workbench, vise, etc. you will do fine with any of the above mentioned component sets, or even from a blank stock. Good luck in your endevours.