Pete you are right. Chamber's locks are a bargain, but my goal is not just to assemble rifles, but to learn as much about them as possible. Building this lock up was definitely not a cost effective project but in the process I learned a lot about the geometry and relationship of the parts in a lock. What will work and what won't. I feel more confident now that I can make most any part for a lock and make it work. If I ever want to call my self a flint riflesmith I surely should be able to build a lock from scratch. A completely hand forged lock is one of my future goals, to go along with the forge welded barrel if it ever gets completed.
Not only did I spend a lot of time on the lock but I also made some tools I needed along the way, i.e. a hand reamer to size tumbler holes for precise fit and gravers / chisels to cut fly mortises and notches for sear spring tabs etc....,.
This is why this flintlock stuff never gets boring, I am always learning.