Regarding my Armstrong build I have posed about, I am going to use what I have, knock it out and sell it. I was comparing the rifle I am building to the plans and documentation I have amassed. The precarved stock is done wrong. I already inletted the tang, so I own it............unfortunately. The entry pipe will have to be 2" too far toward the breach. It looks goofie. It will be at 12" from the rear edge of the barrel. Real Armstrongs and the majority of the Emmistburg school I have documents on is more like 14" . It apears the the guy who cut the stock used the tang extension of the rear enty pipe as his stopping point when removing wood for the transition of the part of the stock where the rod is hidden and half of it is exposed. To bad it is a decent piece of wood. Lesson to me, check out every detail CAREFULLY before I accept the stock. I am extremely disappointed. I was a $300 stock, not to mention a huge amount of time to recoupe my costs before I can sell it. That time will be drudgery because I know my product will never be correct.