I to believe weighing round balls to be a monumental waste of time. If the balls look good, don't mess with them, shoot them. There is a segment of this sport that can't stop overthinking everything.
I had an old friend, now long deceased, that gave me gun, and his "special target mold" when he quit shooting. It was made for a .50 caliber rifle that had been freshened a couple of times, so it was around .52 caliber. I molded some balls from this "special" mold so I could measure them. Heck, the balls measured .510 in one direction, and .495 in the other. They would hardly roll, they were so out of round. He beat me regularly with these clunkers. So, I quit weighing my fresh cast rounds right then, and there.
If you turn all your fidgeting time, into range time, you will be a contender.
Hungry Horse