Full stock Hawken build. L&R Hawken lock. Petonica High grade maple stock. 15/16" .50 barrel. Barrel channel and ramrod groove already in stock. I measured and precisely inlet the lock for a perfect hammer/nipple alignment. Problem: went too deep with the lock mortise. Looks like the lock will be narrower than the wrist. Thankfully I didn't remove the molding as I inlet, My solution is to super glue a 1/8" piece of maple to the lock plate. Make it match the profile of the lock plate and trim/sand as necessary to bring it above wrist level. Remove the wood piece, glue it in the mortise and proceed using my brain this time. I'll silver solder a piece of sheet steel on the lock bolster to fill the resulting gap between lock and barrel. Didn't realize that I would have this problem The lock bolster probably would have been thick enough with a 1" barrel. Any of you have a different approach?