Hi Folks,
Thank you for the nice comments. Dan, I am glad you like the sun inlay within the carving. It is my attempt at a little creativity. Kutter, thank you for that advice. When I read your note I had a Homer Simpson "Doh..." moment. I nearly forgot that I had a coffee mug in my hand when I dope slapped myself. Jim, thanks for those photos of the marking gage. Would it scribe around round corners well? I also make sure my guide lines are very light because I don't cut along them, I cut adjacent to the line so the guide is always visible until the job is done. Then I polish it off.
Dave Rase - I don't think you should have any trouble simply proportioning the elements of the butt stock to a long LOP. Basically, you just have to fill in the space so that the length of wrist, space behind cheek piece, etc. don't look out of proportion. I accomplish that by visualizing the negative space between features. However, there is an added complication for swivel breeches. By default, to accommodate the swivel mechanism and locking screw (with nut), the stock extends fairly straight back from the barrel breeches before it can arc down. That gives many swivel breeches a hockey stick appearance. Having a large drop and LOP makes that problem worse. I solved it as best I could by subtly beginning my downward arc immediately after the breech as much as possible while still accommodating the swivel mechanism. Then I also shaped the lock panels to create the illusion of a smooth drop. I think you will get the idea when I post the finished photos. It was a challenge.
Thanks again everyone,