Hey I don't know what to tell you but I've done it many times in a plain old mason jar, add the acid in small quantities very slowly to the alcohol (never the other way around, just like with water) and then add the iron VERY slowly so as to prevent heat build up. If you can't grab the jar with your hand and hold it there then you had best back off and wait till it cools.
I am not using pure alcohol or whatever but rather cheap hardware store "denatured alcohol solvent" which I assume does have water in it to some extent. Nevertheless, it will make a fine acid stain that will very noticeably reduce the grain raising inherent to water stains to nearly nil.
I've probably done a lot of dangerous "#@!! $#@* what the $#*! are you doing" things with chemicals and stains and assorted boiling oils etc. and so I should probably insert some kind of danger caveat along with my commentary regarding my investigations, but I've always assumed folks would just… well, assume the danger component.
Maybe it's not supposed to work or maybe it's not wise to try to make it work, but nevertheless, it works.