I have a 24" barreled Musketoon that likes 75gr. to 85gr. 2f GOEX. Note, this rifle has a .574" bore super tight so I use a .5623" ball and a 10 ounce denim patch- which I measure at .0225' - compressed. I think my micrometer might run them a bit tighter - at .019" or .020". That is what I use with the .562" ball and what I also used with the .575" I originally tried. Yeah- they were a bit too tight as the rifling was only .003" deep at the muzzle.
In the Kodiak with .008" deep rifling, I used a .574"(Lyman mould) soft lead ball with the same patches as well as a .0235" thick mattress ticking.
If your Rice barrel has rounded rifling - you will probably have to use (If you want clean, ACCURATE shooting) at least a 10 ounce denim patch and a .575" ball. Do not use a smaller ball or you will not seal the charge behind the ball, which not only gives poorer accuracy, but fouling which can build up and causes hard loading and must then be wiped.
.580" + .016" + .016" = .612" groove to groove. You have to fill that with a compressed combination of ball and patch.
.612" - .575"ball = .370" divided by 2 = at least a .0185" thick patch. A thicker patch is needed to give the necessary compression in the bottom of the grooves. This is necessary to seal the powder gasses behind the ball and give good accuracy.
If your barrel has square rifling, you can use a slightly thinner patch, but in those, we've still found a 10 ounce thick patch is necessary to be competitive.
Commercial balls will shoot just fine - however, home cast balls CAN be much more consistent, ball to ball, in weight and diameter, depending on the skill of the person casting them.
They should look like jewels.