Years ago somebody gave several commercially tanned deer hides. They were yaller as a school bus, and slick as a salamander. I had no use for them as they were, but, had nothing invested, and nothing to lose. I made a soft Indian style saddlebag out of the worst of the bunch (slick side in).When it was finished, and all the fringe was cut, I put them in the washing machine, with a packet of Rit dye remover, and hot water. I stopped the washer before it pumped out, and restarted it, three times. When I pulled the saddlebag out, the yellow was gone. The wet leather had kind of a gray/green look to it. I worked the damp leather until it was soft. That saddlebag, and a pair of leggings I made later, turned a nice tannish gray and are regularly mistaken for brain tanned buckskin.
Hungry Horse