I went with ridiculously expensive but I am super happy I did, warning they are expensive (and in my opinion worth it).
I went with custom fitted in the ear digital protection from ESP, I generally put them on Saturday and Sunday morning and keep them on all day, even gone to bed with them forgetting I had them in, they are that comfortable. My wife says she looks forwards to weekends because when I have them in, I don't yell when I talk. I chose the Stealth with the industrial option, its a little switch that changes the cut off from 90db down to 80db. Its really wonderful in the shop, I never have to hunt around for ear muffs before turning on the table saw or bandsaw or worse, shaper or routers. And I always have them in so I never go, well its a small cut I will be ok without protection. At the range, I really enjoy not having to wear muff's and hearing normal conversations but not getting hammered when people fire next to me. I debated these things for over a year and now can't figure out why I did, shooting my .308 I double up, but its really nice to shoot trap without muffs getting in the way and handgun or BP, I find I don't need to double up at all. For me it was worth the money since I also use them in shop on weekends or even doing yard work, like weedwacking or chainsaw work its nice and quiet and I can hear others, so for me it was the ability to use them in multiple things not just shooting that made it ok to spend the money.