I've made a number of patchbox springs and catches from steel nails, both for wood and brass patchboxes. After filing a nice fat steel nail to shape, I've usually heated it to uniform bright cherry red to orange with MAPP gas or acetylene and quenched immediately in plain water or brine. I've never seen a nail break or crack doing this, though an oil quench might be safer. Once verifiably hardened (a file skates over the surface without cutting), I have usually polished the surface bright in order to see the progression of tempering colors, and slowly playing a MAPP or propane torch back and forth along the length of the spring, bring the color to a uniform deep royal blue--no further!--then let cool. In every case, I've been able to produce a good serviceable spring with this technique. I've heard of tempering in a shallow tin of burning oil, but never tried it myself.
Good luck!