True Oil applied thinly, number of coats to totally fill the grain, periodically then sanded down to the wood with 1500 grip wet/dry - continue doing this until the usual wide grin is totally filled, then 4 thin coats on that for finial finish. You must wait minimum 24 hours - better yet 48 hours between coats, will give a harder finish than some other oils like Tung.
This finish might take 6 months to complete, but the results are worth it. I did a beautifully figured Claro modern rifle stock that was dead soft, but beautiful. The owner wanted the mirror finish as original to the rifle. The results were incredible following this drawn-out procedure! I charged him $600.00 for the stock finish job (53 coats of oil all together to fill the grain, then 3 to finish, then polished with rouge in a carrier of some sort. My time included 3 days of using Polystipper to get the original epoxy or plastic finish off the wood, then finish cleaning with Duracryl which is much more aggressive then Acetone.