Author Topic: Ideas on using a barrel.  (Read 2431 times)

Offline deepcreekdale

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Ideas on using a barrel.
« on: December 13, 2016, 08:32:32 PM »
Last night  I was doing some inventory of my stock of barrels. I came across a Getz, .54 cal. 1 1/16 across the flats, straight, 46 inch long barrel (yeah, it weighs a bit), 1 turn in 48" that I had taken in as trade for some repair work I performed for a customer years ago. I had salted it away without thinking much about it at the time. Looking at it, I can't really think of what to do with a barrel like this but it seemed like a good deal at the time. I was thinking maybe a chunk gun, but .54 cal seems a bit much, or maybe something like the rifle ascribed to Francis Parkman in Bairds, "Hawken Rifles, The Mountain Mans Choice."  It seems a bit heavy for a squirrel rifle here in North Florida, might spoil some meat, any of the brethren have any thoughts on what to do with it?
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Offline Roger B

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Re: Ideas on using a barrel.
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2016, 08:43:52 PM »
Actually, I understand that .54 is pretty popular for chunk guns.  I think that barrel would make a great one.
Roger B.
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Offline deepcreekdale

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Re: Ideas on using a barrel.
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2016, 08:58:46 PM »
Thanks Roger, I was leaning in that direction, I bet that what it was originally built for too. I have been looking for an excuse to build a chunk gun anyway. Sure would be steady over the log.
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Offline P.W.Berkuta

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Re: Ideas on using a barrel.
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2016, 09:09:44 PM »
If it were me and I lived near where they did the chunk gun matches then I would build a chunk gun and either shoot it or sell it. If I was not going to shoot chunk gun matches then I would sell or trade the barrel for something else that would appeal to a wider selection of shooters -- just my thoughts.
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Offline Bob Roller

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Re: Ideas on using a barrel.
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2016, 09:11:58 PM »
Thanks Roger, I was leaning in that direction, I bet that what it was originally built for too. I have been looking for an excuse to build a chunk gun anyway. Sure would be steady over the log.

Stock it like an English long range rifle with a shotgun butt plate and no rod under the
barrel for a good prone position chunk gun.
I handled the Parkman rifle when Tom Dawson owned it and it was a 42" 50 caliber
about 1-1/16 ATF. It was as described , "A long heavy rifle of about 15 pounds."

Bob Roller

Offline deepcreekdale

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Re: Ideas on using a barrel.
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2016, 09:22:11 PM »
That is an interesting idea Bob, I like your suggestion. Something with a Henry bar  lock would be nice. We don't have chunk gun matches here in Florida that I know of, but it would still be fun to do, maybe give me an excuse to travel a bit to matches or try to get something going around here. I usually shoot on my own property but it would be fun to shoot that long heavy barrel at a range next to some guy with his inline!
I always had an affinity for that Parkman rifle, I like long barrels. That extra 4 inches of metal would put an exclamation point on Bairds description I would think.
”Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” Theodore Roosevelt