Last night I was doing some inventory of my stock of barrels. I came across a Getz, .54 cal. 1 1/16 across the flats, straight, 46 inch long barrel (yeah, it weighs a bit), 1 turn in 48" that I had taken in as trade for some repair work I performed for a customer years ago. I had salted it away without thinking much about it at the time. Looking at it, I can't really think of what to do with a barrel like this but it seemed like a good deal at the time. I was thinking maybe a chunk gun, but .54 cal seems a bit much, or maybe something like the rifle ascribed to Francis Parkman in Bairds, "Hawken Rifles, The Mountain Mans Choice." It seems a bit heavy for a squirrel rifle here in North Florida, might spoil some meat, any of the brethren have any thoughts on what to do with it?