You might want to try a lower temperature setting, say 350 or 325F first, in case the oven is way off. My previous one sure was. Judge by temper color, you should see only a light straw (gold) color, Brown or purple is hotter than 375, maybe too hot. Anyway try the lower temperature first, then if you get no temper color on polished steel crank it up another 25F for the next try. I'd "bake" for at least 1/2 hr, prefer 1 hr, to make sure the whole frizzen really did get to temperature.
One more thing to consider. That neck connecting the pan cover to the whatsit that bears on the frizzen spring needs to be softer than the frizzen face. If your frizzen face is too hard, betcha the neck is also. Gotta soften that part a bit. Otherwise one fine day the frizzen, or half of it, will go flying away.
Temper that neck maybe blue or hotter with a torch, but be sure to use somemeans of keeping the frizzen face from getting too hot. After the neck is tempered to suit you, quench the thing in water to keep the heat from traveling up to the frizzen face & making it too soft.