Hi Folks,
I found the article and test linked here to be very informative.
http://forums.outdoorsdirectory.com/showthread.php/141077-Results-of-gun-care-product-evaluationThe gentleman did a very large, thorough and unbiased job from what I can tell.
You can pick the properties that are important to you and search the top products from there.
I will say that time can cause issues with lubes. One top rated one on here, Frog Lube, has proven to become sticky over time for some folks using it as a lube. The classic situation is the old Three-In-One oil. Over time it sets up like epoxy.
As I noted before, be careful in mixing lubes. I discovered that Hoppe's No9 and Tetra Lube grease combine to make an orange contact cement like problem!
I hope this helps. Best wishes, and God Bless, Marc