I just had a nice breakthrough on my research on this gunsmith family. I was cruising Ebay searching for old photos of
Putneyville where the gunsmiths lived and came across a photo of Lincoln Shreckengost, his wife and kids around 1900.
All previous photos had been from him as a very old man in the 1940s and his wedding photo around 1880 or so. I was
able to purchase the photo and when it arrived I scanned it and sent it to the family that owns the swivel breech rifle
signed on one barrel William G. Shreckengost and the other Lincoln G. Shreckengost. When they received the photo they
were very grateful, they had not seen it either. They said it was funny I sent it because they had just found an 8 page
handwritten memoir by the grandson of Lincoln talking about the family and growing up in Putneyville in the gun shop.
What an amazing treasure for me to find. Someone, living during the gunshop era who provided some insight into the
detail of those days. This gets me excited about pushing on to write the book. There is pretty interesting discussion of
shooting competitions in the day.
Here is the photo of Lincoln and family in front of the family store/hotel.