I have heard it said many times , by many different people over the years , and it is a 100 % truthful fact , that can`t be disputed. "We don`t know WHAT these rifles /guns looked like new". That has been stated and restated for at least the last 30 years that I know of . We all have heard it .Has the wood shrunk? Has the color changed? How much rework? Original lock? Etc. Which I happen to enjoy trying to listen to the story these old pieces try to tell us. And study them we should , at every chance. I`ve sat through literally hours of conjecture on original finishes , techniques , etc. Some years ago at the CLA show , while sitting in on the second hour of one of these discussions , it dawned on me , no offence to anyone but, I don`t care what they looked like new, I like the way they look now. So, I went that direction . I do respect the rights of others to do what they like . This is better than Baskin Robins , we have way more than 31 flavors!! The main purpose of this post was to share the help that was given to me by Mr. Miller years ago at Friendship. Our conversation was about building guns now that look like they were really built back then. He made a good point also that if a task is overcomplicated it probably isn't HC , because they HAD to use practical methods , they didn't have the luxury of not being practical. JMHO