I have a .56cal. T/C Renegade SB, which actually takes a .550" patched RB or a .535" patched RB. Various sources, e.g., Traditional ML Forum and Traditional ML Assoc., often mention how accurate those guns are, and my experience confirms it, at least with the .550" RB and a .010" patch with a cardboard overpowder wad. From a rest @ 25 yd., that combination will put 5 - 7 shots in the black of the NMLRA Postal Match target, with several of them touching. Btw, the .535" RB + a thicker patch aren't quite as accurate. 70gr. FFFg or 80gr. FFg work well in my SB, but you'll need to experiment with patch thickness and RB diameter first, and powder granulation and charge later. Hope this helps!