I put my pins at 1/2" from the sear arm. I tried 3/8" once. Will NEVER do it again. Oh, it was light, but insanely L-O-N-G. Very disconcerting. The weight of the trigger pull is governed FAR more by the weight of the sear spring (and the angles on the sear nose and tumbler), than it is by the distance of the pivot pin. That distance, however, has a great deal to do with the length of the draw required to let off the sear. The closer it is, the longer you will have to pull the trigger. The farther away, the shorter.
So far, of the few old guns I have been able to take apart, every one of them has the pin at least 5/8" from the sear. Usually, it seems to be about 3/4".
And their sear springs are massive...