Eric--Microsoft Streets & Trips shows Wickett & Craig, 120 Cooper Rd, just exactly where Grampa used to work. As that old tannery building, last I saw it in 1995, was not exactly state-of-the-art, I'd not be surprized if W&C razed it & kept some of the experienced employees. Regardless, they are providing work for assorted 2nd, 3rd & 4th cousins of mine. Go W&C!
If you happen to visit there, let me know & I'll provide you minor items of local lore & terminology. Many of the people are of Scotch-Irish descent & temperament. Those of Italian heritage are still quite aware of the, uh, differences in viewpoints early in the last century. Small town, people have very long, long memories. Grandfather was still rather angry about what the British did to one of our family during the Revolution.