The wisdom of Disney: Way back when, Disney made a serialized show about "Andy Burnett the Mountain Man. Burnett was a greenhorn, who joined a gang of mountain men. He had a flinter that had belonged to Daniel Boone, and because the caplock was all the rage then, he wanted to convert it. A grizzled old hand in the brigade advised against it, for not only was it an historic piece, he could start a fire with it! He then proceeded to do just that, sprinkling some powder on the tinder, and lit it using the pan of his rifle. An interesting bit of an archaic skill, unusual for a television program back then. Of course, I was thereafter hooked on having a flintlock long rifle, and at last, a few years ago, I was able to purchase a custom-made colonial version. Also of course, I've started a fire with it, just like I saw in that ancient TV show.