Author Topic: Buffalo Ball-ets?  (Read 9773 times)

Offline Dphariss

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Re: Buffalo Ball-ets?
« Reply #50 on: December 07, 2018, 05:38:10 PM »
If I'm hunting animals I want proper performance on game. I find Darryl's recounting of the Game Dept. findings on wounded moose above to be the best evidence against this particular projectile.

When I go back and read Darryl's recount, he states these anomalies occurred in barrels with 1-48 twist. That may, or may not be. I shoot the Hornady Pa. conical from a 1-70 twist GM barrel. I've shot many, many doe, and a few bucks with the Pa. Conical. I've never lost one using the Pa. Conical or the Buffalo Ballett. I'm not speaking to other heavier conicals from a .50 cal flintlock.

It seems to me that if you shoot a 240gr. weight projectile as opposed to a 180gr. projectile (RB) from a rifle, the energy of the heavier projectile will get the job done much better. After all, if you had a choice between getting hit by a bicycle going 30mph, or a cement truck going 20mph, which would you choose?  Heavy gets it done.


In the BP world energy is largely irrelevant. Its more important in the small bore HV world where bullet upset is critical. In my experience a deer lung shot with a 50 caliber RB at 800 fps will die just as fast as one shot with the same ball a 1600 fps. Its SHOT PLACEMENT that matters.  If you need more "power" use a bigger ball. Want to stop them in their tracks? Better disrupt the brain or spinal cord. But with the increase in CWD I don't recommend doing this. I have had mule deer and whites tails both run amazing distances after being "killed". I have others only make a few steps or drop at the shot and it matters not a bit what they are shot with. Remembering how much ground a deer can cover in a panic run in 5-10 seconds between being shot and the brain shutting off.
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Re: Buffalo Ball-ets?
« Reply #51 on: December 08, 2018, 05:38:05 AM »
I use nothing but the T\C Pa. Conical....OR the Buffalo Ballette in my 50 caliber. Why?

#1--No patch is required
#2--More weight than a PRB....If it were me...I'd rather get hit by a guy on a ten-speed bike going 40-MPH than a Mack Truck going 10-MPH.  Mass and weight outdo speed and lightness any day of the week.
#3--For hunting the Conical (not a Maxi-Ball) is easy and fast to reload.
#4--Maxi-balls are to costly. Conicals are cheap.