Hello, I would first like to preface this post by stating, I realize this is by noooo means a fancy rifle. I am just curious about anything I can find out about it. ( I also posted a cpl days ago in the "Black Powder Shooting" forum, with no success...)
But last summer I purchased a .58 cal Ardesa stamped rifle for about $180 from an online auction. Cosmetically it is in pretty darn good shape for a "cheaper" production rifle. I shot it just a handful of times, just enough for getting comfortable with it. Used it for deer hunting in Ohio this past fall, didn't see a deer to shoot, but it went "BANG" after being loaded and carried in the snowy woods all week and hit about 2" high at 50 yds (Using a .562 ball and 80 gr FF Goex is I recall correctly .)
My question (s) are any info from the more informed on this particular rifle. I really cant find anything on the internet on it. I am curious about years of production, barrel rate of twist, any pros' and con's of it?
I am currently on the road or I would post pics of it, but it has a crecent moon inlay on the cheek rest, and is a double wedge fore end , I have seen a few similar rifles by Ardesa, but usually .50 or even .45 cal. ( Pics I am posting below are from an online auction of an almost identical Ardesa rifle in looks and condition, but the rifle pictured is a .45, while mine is .58)
Any info would be greatly appreciated!