Is 1.5 oz of shot reasonable for 16 gauge?
Is it common to use more like 1.75 oz in a 16?
1 1/2oz is a very heavy load, in my opinion for a 16 bore gun.
I shoot 1 1/8oz in my 20 bore as a heavy load.
I would say that 1 1/2oz is a normal heavy load for a 12 bore,
thus 1 1/4oz would be my load for a 16.
If you need tighter patterns, work on the load dynamics and components
rather than pouring in a 12 bore load.
Post-it note paper is great for making up 'ctgs.' of shot. Experiment with them
at various ranges.
Back in the percussion period, up to 1875's or so or so, Ely was making shot ctgs.
for muzzleloading shotguns that were colour coded for effective game shooting at
various ranges. You can do the same, using bank-roller tubes, stressed so they
release shot, or the post-it notes formed into shot containers- reinforced or split
weakened, whatever is needed to adjust patterns.
I am not suggesting you make Ely ctgs. rather use the ideas to make your own. These
rather elaborate ctgs. in the green colour (colour co-ordinated) were good to 80 or 90 yards
for birds, but shot like bullets/slugs to 60yards for wolves and deer.
Oh yeah - just in case you thought shot buffering materials were something new. Very little
that is being used today, is actually a new idea.
I am aware the 'shot basket' in the picture notes breech loaders. These were also made earlier
as I noted, for use in muzzleloading smoothbores.
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