Those pictures came out fine, Dennis. No logos on them when I clicked on the link.
That's because you are special Daryl
They still have the logo for me.
That's interesting Dennis. Long time ago, there was a downloadable "program" that made all posted photobucket pictures show true. I
wonder if it is still working for me? It was on the net shortly after photobucket went nuts with the usage charges for 3rd party posting of
your photobucket pictures - something like $325 per year. After a couple years, more or less, they reduced that to $5.00 per month. I bought
that one & continued on using them. Then, after about 6 months, they froze my account and tried to triple that to $15.00 per month. I stopped
payment and not my photobucket account is still frozen because they say I have too much content for the free "service" but they won't let me
into the account to remedy that unless I buy the account, ie: pay them for it's use. So- I got most of my pics. from the account before that happened
but not all. Oh well.