"I've never had any after rust problems w/ Mark Lee Express Rust soln. Been using it for probably 35yrs.
Before that I used Belgian Blue. That worked beautifully but did have a tendency to after rust. I suspect the Mercury Bi-chloride in it was the culprit.
I stopped using it because of the mercury compound as well."
Do we know that the modern version contains mercuric chloride? I can not find an MSDS.
I can only give you my personal experience with the 'new' Belgian Blue as sold by Brownells.
As I posted, I had stopped using the orig stuff because of the mercury compound in it.
When the new Belgian Blue came out I figured I'd give it a try and ordered a small bottle from Brownells.
I did actually think that the mercury bi-chloride must have been elliminated and a substitute put in place. The hype at the time was
all about mercury and it's dangers. This was in the 90's IIRC.
I got the stuff and immedietely tried it out on some test pieces and it worked fine.
I noticed a very familiar odor to the soln when wiped onto the metal,,especially if the metal was a bit too warm.
It's an unmistakable odor that I was very familiar with from using the old (Herter's) Belgian Blue. The same odor came when I used Birchwood Casey
Antique Quick Bbl Brown which at the time also contained Mercury Bi-chloride.
The latter worked just as well as the Belgian Blue for rust bluing.
So to find out if the new B/Blue had any Mercury in it, I polished up a piece of brass and a piece of copper. Warmed both up and applied the new B/Blue to each.
They both showed instantly bright silver colored plating on the surface,,the sure sign (to me) that mercury from a mercury compound was 'plating out' on the non steel surfaces.
This was always a problem when using the old stuff (or the Birchwood Casey Bbl Brown). Any brass, gold, copper inlays, markings, sight beads, ect would be mercury plated during the bluing process.
The carding will not remove the plated mercury. It's on to stay and only (re)polishing will remove it.
I capped the bottle of 'new' Belgian Blue up and never used it again.
It's still down on a shelf somewhere.
More mercury in my shop, on me,,or in me ,,is not something I wanted then or now.
That was then. I don't know if they ever changed it.
I just won't use it. Mark Lee's Express works great for that process.
I do mostly Slow Rust Blue (or Brown) anyway.
That was my experience.. hope it helps.