I grew up shooting that "lollipop on a stick" sight image, so it still seems natural to me. Most of the more modern sights seem to want the target to be centered by the front sight - lot's harder to hold than the lollipop.
Learned on one of the old small-caliber suppository rifles, mostly in the basement of a building at the Marine Corps HQ in D.C. Those Gunny's were adamant about everything to do with firearms. Sure makes you a safer person!
Never had good eyes until 5 years ago when I had cataract surgery. The eyeball cutter was also a bench rest shooter like me, made my right eye a bit sharper than 20/20, left eye just at 20/20. My previous vision was in the 400 range! It was amazing, riding back home, seeing things like the mortar between bricks, or leaves on a tree - even with glasses, I had a hard time seeing those things.
And Frank - many thanks, I had wondered why I never received a bill for the cataract surgeries.
I do have a tang Vernier peep sight, and level front sight just waiting for the right ML to put them on - then going to try again at the 500 and 1,000 yard ranges!