Yip, Looking pretty good so far. I agree with Rich about the comb, but you have enough wood left to correct that hump. I attached a pic below, a poor attempt in Word paint, but it gives you an idea. I wouldn't make the top comb line flat, but a nice subtle curve from the butt return to the nose, plus that will reduce the height of the nose which I think would also look better for that style of gun. Another thing I would do is when shaping up the lock panel, I would stretch out the nose and the tail of the panel a bit, maybe 1/8" or so which would add a more slender look to the lock & panel.
On the cheek side. i would try to get the shape to look more sweeping and not so abrupt. Again I drew some faint lines on your cheekside pic. For the rear of the cheek simply continue the concave of the cheek into the upward slope of the buttstock plane and you should get the look that I outlined, sort of have to sneak up on it. Hope this helps.