The motor is 1725 RPM, and the internal wheels that the 93" blade runs on are 14" in diameter.
Hand rotating the pulley off the motor causes the 7" pulley to rotate about 6 1/2 times for each revolution of the 10" pulley behind it.
I put a spec of masking tape on the blade and rotated the 10" wheel one revolution, this resulted in the tape moving 1/2 of a revolution off the 14" driving wheels.....about 45".
Surface feet per/minute is the key and I cant tell you what it is exactly but it appears similar to specifically designed metal saws I have used.
I used only one pillow block bearing and in hindsight probably should have supported the shaft there with two. Will see how it holds up.
First use was cutting a 6" piece of 1095 out of .250" thick stock, it cut accurately and with no problem.
Check ebay for good deals on the bearings, get them with cast housings not pot metal.