Author Topic: My Shooting Range Is Haunted!  (Read 1592 times)

Offline Herb

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My Shooting Range Is Haunted!
« on: October 30, 2021, 05:04:34 AM »
There are two kinds of paranormal events that occur on my shooting range.  One is benign, the other is not.  I built three shooting benches here in about 1995.  In 1994 I got an Oehler 35P chronograph, which I wore out twice shooting here.  I can't tell you how many CASES of black powder I shot through a couple hundred rifles over the years.  Here I am set up to shoot at 300 yards for group and velocity.  An earlier time I was shooting at a target at one o'clock from the rifle muzzle (that red area).  With a stable atmosphere, no wind movement, I suddenly heard a wind coming from the east, toward me. WOOOOEEEEE, scared me!  This was not a dust devil or whirlwind, but a straight wind about 50 feet wide that blew my cardboard target 75 feet through the air toward me, then hooked to blow over the other 100 yard target area to the left and died out up in those rocks.  That was wierd.

I have burned a few thousand prescribed fires over my working career in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and I am keenly attuned to wind.  I have no explanation for this wind.  I figured it was the spirit of some Indian (this is adjacent to the Uintah and Ouray Reservation) who was fed up with this "tegerboo" (Ute Indian for ghost) for shooting on his land.  I had other targets blow away when there was no wind otherwise.

This is a Google Earth photo of my range.  The two benches were in the circle at bottom and my target was off to the right.  The wind blew about as shown, over the other 100 yard target butt and died out up in that rocky hillside.

In November, 2013 I was the champion string shooter at Terry Haney's David Memorial Shoot.  Back on my range, I wondered if I could cut strings at 100 yards from bench rest.  I first shot at an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper to check for lateral zero, then shot the top target.  The fourth shot nicked the yarn and the fifth cut it.  So I switched from Olde Eynsford 1 1/2F to O.E. 2F to shoot the bottom target.  I loaded my rifle, capped it, set it on the sandbags and cocked the hammer.  I was just snuggling into it when the rifle went off by itself!  The sensation I had was that I was thrown aside and the rifle went off by itself.  Fearing for my chronograph screens, i checked them and the ball had missed them.  Next I hoped the ball had missed my first target, fearing a wild shot that would mess it up.  Checking through my spotting scope, the string was Cut!  My jaw actually dropped!  I had to walk up to the target to inspect it.  So I shot four more for group and velocity.  I literally believe some spirit took that shot, and I think it was Jim Bridger!

A similar thing happened with a .54 Kit Carson Hawken I was sighting in.  The first shot was as if someone else took it, and the ball hit one-half inch from dead center.  Subsequent shots grouped five inches low and left, for the sights were not yet zeroed.  Nothing like this ever happened before or since.

The 100 yard targets.

The sighter paper and two targets.

My first target.

The second target where the first shot went off by itself.

Then there is the capper caper.  I loaded up my Ted Cash cap magazine and went out to shoot.   

After all was ready, I went to cap my Hawken and couldn't do it.  I opened the lid and found that there was a fired cap in the fingers of the capper.  This really stunned me, for I knew that I hadn't dropped the capper and could not account for the fired cap.  I could not image how it could have been exploded, and if it did, why didn't the whole magazine blow up?  Puzzled, I threw the fired cap on the ground and went to shooting.

The next morning, I went through my routine and went to shoot, but again, couldn't fit a cap.  I opened the lid and found a fired cap in the fingers WITH A LIVE CAP SITTING INSIDE IT!

Getting smarter, I removed the fired cap and examined it.  It had been fired in the rifle I was using.   The ground is littered with a few thousand of my fired caps.  So this spirit that put it there had a sense of wit. I have no idea who it is, but this is the bald fact exactly as I tell you.

Then there is my camera problem.  Here is Bob shooting a left-handed Hawken I built him years ago.  I took about six pictures at the 50 yard target. 

Then we shot his .58 Pedersoli, and I had good 50-yard target photos.  I brought the target back to my shooting bench and laid it on the ground with his rifle and took eight photos with my digital camera.  This is the camera that took almost all of the photos I have posted over the years.  The camera is auto focus, but  all eight of those photos were so badly out of focus as to be worthless.  So I took this picture at home in my garage.

Then there are chronograph problems.  I got it in 1994.  In October, 2006 I had the printer rebuilt.  In July, 2020 I was having problems and sent it to Oehler for repair.  In September it still didn't work well and I think I sent it back again.  It still gave problems, so I sent it to them in November and they found it functioning correctly.  The 9 volt Duracell batteries should last about 25 hours with the printer, but they went dead in about 25 minutes.  I have five in my shooting box,  new to dead in about 25 minutes.
This finally caused me to quit using my chronograph at my range.

Then one day I was loading at my bench and felt a buzzing tingling sensation behind my left ear for about half a minute.  I thought I was going to pass out.  I don't know if I got up-loaded or down-loaded, but that caused me to quit using my shooting range.  If you watched Skinwalker Ranch on TV, that place is real.  It is about 19 air miles from my range.  Tom Winterton, the ranch manager, is a local resident and talked about this show.  Those events really happen, nothing is faked for the show.  He said that people come up to him and tell of things that happen to them.  He said the  weird things that happen on that ranch may occur all over this basin.  He also said that you could take bad things home, that the skull or brain problems he had occurred at his home.  That scared me, I didn't want to take anything home.  But maybe I did.  A two year old computer had the hard drive crash.  I had it rebuilt and a couple of months later the power unit failed, which apparently is really uncommon.  I gave that computer away for parts and bought a new one.  But I no longer go to my shooting range.

These are a few of maybe 15 or 20 unexplainable events that occurred on my shooting range.  I have comfortable guesses about most of the benign events, but for the camera and chronograph  problems and tingling skull sensation I have no imagined explanation.  I now go to Buckskin Hills Shooting Range.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2021, 05:11:14 AM by Herb »

Offline smylee grouch

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Re: My Shooting Range Is Haunted!
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2021, 06:16:13 AM »
The great spirit Manitou has good days and bad.  ;D :)
« Last Edit: October 30, 2021, 06:49:21 AM by smylee grouch »

Offline Herb

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Re: My Shooting Range Is Haunted!
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2021, 06:37:12 PM »
You can enlarge these pictures with a left click of the mouse, and maybe a second click.

Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: My Shooting Range Is Haunted!
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2021, 05:14:34 PM »
When my wife died of cancer the paranormal happenings in our house went out the roof, there are tons of people that scoff at the possibility of any such thing. I saw the stuff move unaided, guests in my house saw the same activity. It is like believing in UFOs or not, once you see the real deal you instantly become a believer.

I have seen both a ghost and a UFO, surprisingly so have many of my friends, they just kept quiet about it until I opened up on the subject.

Offline Roger B

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Re: My Shooting Range Is Haunted!
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2021, 07:40:23 PM »
An interesting thing. My mother died back in August in Tulsa & I was just about to leave her house to return home when I put a couple of cups in the dishwasher. I had already put in the soap & closed the washer door when I decided not to run it because it was only two cups & I would not be around to unload it. I then went out to load my truck, & when I came back in, I found the dishwasher on & humming away. She would do that if I was doing a less than meticulous job in her estimation. I've traveled back another few times to get the house sold & had no unusual experiences. Also had what I thought was a dream right after my maternal grandmother died. She bent over, gave me a kiss, & I woke up immediately after. As an adult, I'm not so sure it was a dream.
Roger B.
Never underestimate the sheer destructive power of a minimally skilled, but highly motivated man with tools.

Offline R.J.Bruce

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Re: My Shooting Range Is Haunted!
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2021, 11:06:42 PM »
Several times in my life I have had advance warning of "bad" things that were going to happen.

One time back in the early 80's I was sitting in a cafe eating breakfast with my girlfriend and some other friends. All of a sudden I had a terrible premonition, and I asked her not to go snowmobiling that day. I was given serious grief by her, and all of my friends for the request, especially since I sounded quite lame in explaining that I had a "bad feeling about the trip."

Several hours later the waitress, another friend, comes knocking on my cabin door (I was living in a very small rural town at the time), to tell me breathlessly that my girlfriend had been chasing some of the others across a large meadow when she drove the snowmobile into a several foot deep, very wide & long, depression that the sun had caused to settle. She hit the opposite side of the depression going about 90 miles per hour. Ended up breaking the windshield with her chest, cracked about 6 ribs, bruised both of her breasts badly, and came real close to having a flailed chest. Missed breaking her neck by only several inches.

Because the day was overcast,with very flat light, she had no idea of the depression's existence until it was too late to try and evade it.

I was subsequently looked at with awe, and suspicion, never being fully trusted by any of the people eating breakfast with me that morning. Including the girlfriend, as that was the beginnings of the end to that relationship.

I have subsequently learned to keep my mouth shut when the premonitions occur (an additional 4 times).

Offline Pukka Bundook

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Re: My Shooting Range Is Haunted!
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2021, 07:20:31 AM »
R Bruce,

My Grandmother and some other members of the family have seen things before they happen.   (Back in the UK)

Grandma saw the terrible end to the R 101 airship before it happened.
a warning was sent, but it was all checked and in good order, yet it crashed just like she saw.