The flint knapper was Guenter Stifter in Trimbs,Germany and I think his brother Dieter used that name as well.
Guenter was the first contact I had in Germany and he got a number of my locks and told Helmut Mohr about
me and I made locks for him for a long time for percussion schuetzen rifles as well as a small bore tatget pistol
plus a flintlock for copies of a Boutete pistol that was seen on the cover of DWJ (DeustscheWaffenJournal)in 1986.
Helmut wants me to make more locks but I am done with that phase of my life and plan to make a few triggers
from time to time as I feel like it.I still have material for these triggers and will hopefully use it all and then???
The recent floods in Germany took Helmut Mohr's shop out of the gun making for a while.He has a generator that
is powered by the Nette "River"which is a small,fast stream that can make it run and he has had problems with it
before but nothing like the recent floods.
I wish I could help more with that lock but I think someone has transferred some parts I made toanother plate and
as I said,that sear spring looks odd to me.
Bob Roller